
god's honest truth... or whatever.

madre y padre me enseñaron a decir la verdad siempre, por eso ayer en una de las tantas demostraciones egocentristas de mi abuelo paterno (léase "homenaje"), cuando un señor de cierta revista me dijo: 'debe estar muy orgullosa de su abuelo, dígame cómo se siente?' yo respondí: 'bueno, la verdad es que tengo un poco de hambre'.


you know you're addicted when you...

i couldn't help myself... (las negritas son sí, lo demás es no)

1. You ask yourself, "What Would Dean Do" when you are in a sticky situation.
2. When you hear a strange sound in the middle of the night and glance over to your shotgun... And the shotgun is loaded with rock salt. (esto es un tal vez, porque en la vida real lo pienso, pero no tengo armas :S)
3. When you find yourself calling people 'Dude' a lot more than you did before.
4. When you decide to forego your wallet, keys and cellphone in favor of salt, paper clips and a lighter.
5. When you watch videos of Supernatural on youtube or photobucket when it's not on TV.
6. You search the web for any kind of pictures, news, information, personal information, upcoming events, appearances, or highlights of Jensen and Jared or the show. (this is getting embarasing!)
7. You spend hours on fan sites.
8. You have pictures of Sam and Dean plastered all across your bedroom walls.
9. You have joined every single Facebook group that has anything to do with Supernatural or Jared or Jensen.
10. When you see previews of the show on TV you get really excited and cannot calm down because the show is just so awesome.
11. You always quote whatever Sam and Dean say on the show.
12. You have a special list on iTunes just for Supernatural songs.
13. You talk about it so much you've gotten other people into it.
14. You've researched urban legends that could be used on the show.
15. You've started thinking of salt as a weapon. (my mum has even suggested it on occasion. pobrecita!)
16. Other ghost hunter shows are just lame wanna-be hunters.
17. The word 'hunter' has taken on new meaning for you.
18. You've seen or plan on seeing any movie that the boys have quoted or mentioned.
19. You hate camping. (SIEMPRE odié acampar)
20. You bought rock salt, just in case. (this is stupid!)
21. You've taken an interest in Latin.
22. The Exorcist was lame, not just because of the lack of special effects but because of all the mistakes you believe they made about exorcisms. You discuss other supernatural movies the same way.
23. Vampires are funny.
24. Clowns are creepy. (although, i already knew this.)
25. Doll collections are disturbing. (again, i already knew this.)
26. Scarecrows are fugly.
27. Demons you get. People are crazy.
28. You know all the signs of a spirit being around.
29. The smell of sulfur makes you think 'demons'.
30. You think of 'freak medical things' differently.
31. You could educate your social studies teacher on the history of the Roanoke colony.
32. You and your sibling have started saying jerk/bitch to each other.
33. You own a Ouija board and have used it. Properly.
34. You’ve come up with a code system with your sibling to alert each other of danger.
35. You took a picture of the old antique painting of a family in your house and compare it to the real thing every once in a while, just to make sure it hasn't changed.
36. You know the meaning of things like corporeal, electromagnetic frequency meter, Anasazi symbols, ectoplasm, and electronic voice phenomena.
37. When you wish you could come across some sort of demon so Dean and Sam could come and rescue you.
38. When you promise yourself that if you were to become a millionaire, you’d spend money on Supernatural memorabilia and hire artists to paint your room with images of Dean and Sam.
39. When you have this huge grin on your face when it's Thursday.
40. When you try to search for any picture, video, fanfiction, banners, or wallpapers that have to do with Supernatural and load them all on your computer. (again... this is stupid... and embarrasing!)
41. Dean-isms have become a standard part of your vocabulary.
42. Peanut M&M’s and black coffee are a common everyday occurrence in your diet. (well, they are anyway Dean just made them better. ;D)
43. You wear flannel more often than before you watched Supernatural.
44. You now know what the word 'Wendigo' means... and you shudder.
45. You've suddenly taken up interest in older cars. Especially the '67 Chevy Impalas.
46. When you hear 'Winchester', you don't think of the gun.
47. Or the mansion.
48. You've memorized each fake ID's the brothers use, and start investing in one. (pero esto de tener 'alias' ya era de antes ah!)
49. When people you know start acting differently you immediately wonder if a shapeshifter is to blame. (sometimes i wish they were so i could kill them without feeling guilty)
50. You come home and check the salt lines around the doors and windows to make sure you're still protected.
51. You schedule your classes, work hours, and hang-outs so that they don't conflict with you watching Supernatural on Thursday nights.
52. Anyone says 'jerk' you immediately say 'bitch'. (mcdr! y la gente se indigna)
53. You're suddenly feeling compelled to research old asylums in your area.
54. You think that coordinates might actually be a nifty way to tell people where you're at nowadays.
55. You really do wonder about Dead Man's Blood...
56. Humming Metallica calms your nerves... every time. (no, but humming AC/DC does)
57. You instantly like anyone who says "okie-dokie".
58. When your watch stops, you call an exorcist instead of repair shop.
59. You like going to graveyards at night.
60. You blame every unsolved murder in your neighborhood on vengeful spirits.
61. You go searching the internet for protective medallions and such.
62. Your mom yells at you for breaking her vase, and you blame a poltergeist.
63. You're salting the driveway from the snow and you save some for the windowsills and doorways just in case. And you nicked some to just to keep with you, cause you never know! (wait... what!?)
64. You avoid stepping on chewing gum on the footpath, even though it is dried up and holds no danger...
65. You kick off the start of a new Supernatural season this year with a party. You make a gazzillion Supernatural themed cupcakes, and the next day hand them out to your friends and wish them a Happy Supernatural season. You also give out Supernatural party favors as well, such as a bag of peanut M&M's, a pinch of salt, and a diagram on how to draw a devil's trap.... (nunca tanto)
66. When you hear a Supernatural Classic Rock song on the radio, you can name the episode it was in. (:$)


heaven and hell.

no hay un poder supremo. no hay un dios. sólo hay caos y violencia. maldad impredecible al azar que sale de la nada y te hace trizas.


so long dante.

entonces se calmó algún tanto el miedo que había permanecido en el lago de mi corazón durante la noche que pasé con tanta angustia. y del mismo modo que aquel que, saliendo anhelante fuera del piélago, al llegar a la playa se vuelve hacia las ondas peligrosas y las contempla, así mi espíritu, fugitivo aún, se volvió hacia atrás para mirar el trayecto del que no salió nunca nadie vivo.


wishful thinking.

el otro día me dijeron que cada uno cree lo que quiere creer y me la creí.


seashell tale.

como si las verdades se encontraran en las canciones mas bonitas y simples de la historia, un par de acordes y una guitarra desgastada y esa voz rasposa pero suave y pura, como la luz de la mañana que se cuela entre las persianas de mi habitación. tan verdadera como el sol que anuncia un nuevo día.